Daring or Simple First Dance?

I guess it depends on what kind of couple you guys are? Are you introverts or extroverts? Do you want to provide a wow factor for your friends and family or just a simple intimate first dance to mark the moment?

I've seen both types, and both are just as special. However, if you more of the daring extrovert couple this blog article might be for you!

If you're not really dance people but want to go daring then you might want to invest in a dance lessons that specialise in wedding dance creations. They will tailor your dance to suit what you want and then you can practice leading up to your special day. This is what Zandri & Alex (above & below) did prior to their wedding day at Kooroomba Vineyard and boy did they wow their guests!

Wedding Dance Creations based on the Redlands Coast are your go to dance studio! I've met these guys and they are the BEST! They will help you every step of the way to create the best WOW factor dance for your special day.

Have a sneak peek at their website and follow their instagram at:

